MACo supports shelter regulations with clarifying changes

On January 21, Director of Intergovernmental Relations Dominic Butchko testified before the Education, Energy and Environment Committee in support of SB 234 – Department of Housing and Community Development – ​​Certification Program for Homeless Shelters – Establishment with changes. This bill allows the Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) to regulate homeless shelters.

Counties initially opposed this legislation when it was introduced in 2024, citing several concerns about implementation. Meanwhile, DHCD has been working closely with local implementers and MACo to address county reservations and provide better services to our shared constituents. MACo proposed several changes and continues the dialogue with the department on further points of clarification.

From MACo’s testimony:

Counties broadly recognize and support the intent of SB 234. When members of our community may be at their lowest, they should have opportunities that give them dignity and decency. MACo remains committed to working with the Committee and DHCD to resolve the remaining points of clarification and thanks the Department for their continued close cooperation.

More about MACo’s Advocacy: