Xbox Developer Direct January 2025: All News and Messages

Microsoft went live on January 23 with its first Xbox Developer Direct in 2025 with focus on four games: Doom: The Dark Middle AgesAt South of midnightAt Clair Obsur: Expedition 33, and Ninja Gaiden 4. The broadcast was originally available on the Xbox YouTube and the Twitch channels, but you can find everything announced right here. The great reveal of the event was Ninja Gaiden 4 From Platinumgames and Team Ninja – The Latest in Ninja Gaidens Main Series Franchise Ninja Gaiden 3.

In addition to these four games, Microsoft has a busy year ahead of him: AvowedAt Fableand The outer worlds 2 is all scheduled for 2025, although they were not showcased during Thursday’s Xbox Developer Direct. Here’s what was.

Ninja Gaiden 4 was announced during Thursday’s Xbox Developer Direct. The last main game, Ninja Gaiden 3 was released in 2012, but several other games have been spun from the franchise since then. The game is co-developed by Team Ninja and Platinum Games and is expected to come to PlayStation 5, Windows PC and Xbox Series. (Also Xbox Game Pass.)

Ninja Gaiden 2: Black is a re -release of Ninja Gaiden 2And it’s available to play Thursday. The game is changed in Unreal Engine 5, according to the presentation, and is on the Xbox Game Pass. Ninja Gaiden 2 was originally released all the way back in 2008.

Compulsion Games gave a detailed overview of South of midnightIts southern Gothic adventures from what is expected in 2025. The protagonist, Hazel, raises the haunted, fictionalized Deep South looking for his mother and healing death -convicted creatures. Thursday’s update focused strongly on the game’s mechanics and matches-including big old bosses, as a giant crocodile-but also included details of the game’s history and stop-motion-like animation and art style. South of midnight will be released on April 8th.

Clair Obsur: Expedition 33

In a new look at Clair Obsur: Expedition 33Developer Sandfall Interactive showed his “reactive” turn -based role -playing game – a new, faster turn -based kind of thing. There is both risk and strategy, Sandfall Interactive said. It also dived into the history of the game, which takes place in a French fantasy world, and player customization. Clair Obsur: Expedition 33 will be released on April 24th.

Medieval war against hell? Yes, that sounds pretty right. Doom: The Dark Middle Ages is a prequel to Doom (2016), and a fantastic entrance for new players, according to the developer. Instead of the acrobatic speed of Eternal downfallAt Doom: The Dark Middle Ages Is more about power and tank -like power – still, with a lot of fun, chaotic mechanics like a shield that is a great saw. From Doom‘s’ run-and-gun’ to Eternal downfall‘s’ Hop-and-Skyde’, Doom: The Dark Middle Ages‘motto is’ stand and shoot.’

There is also an MEK that is really big and beats. And a cybernetic dragon. Doom: The Dark Middle Ages will be released on May 15.