This year’s Washington Mardi Gras benefits military veterans | Local politics

Washington – The American Rep. Troy Carter, whose wife is ravaged, said Washington Mardi Gras had not specifically honored veterans and the military in his 76 previous celebrations.

Well, the king chooses the theme Washington Mardi Gras every year. And Carter, a New Orleans Democrat, chose the king.

He intercepted New Orlean’s lawyer Rico Allevendia, who is a decorated Iraq war veteran and captain of the Legion of Mars, a Carnival Rece whose membership is active service and veterans of military, police, firefighters and other first aiders.

Washington Mardi Gras is an annual gathering that gives business leaders, charity leaders and local elected officials to relax with the State Congress members in the equivalent of a private retreat at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Although many events that are only invitations are thrown by private organizations that piggyback at the assembly, Washington Mardi Gras officially began Thursday.

This year’s opening was not quite as crowded as many were unable to travel due to the blizzard in southern Louisiana. But on Friday, most all had arrived, and the affair had a sense of opening day – combined with one of the highlights, lunch for economic development, which includes briefings on legislative windings and updates on different business projects in Louisiana.

Washington Mardi Gras should culminate on Saturday night with ballet only for members where King Allevendia and Queen Kendall Williams should be presented.

The affair paid by the quota and tickets is proclaimed as a way to facilitate communication between decision makers that help speed up projects. It also collects money for charity.

“And as a king, I have to choose the charity,” Allegia said.

Last year Boys and Girls Club of Louisiana received a $ 182,425 donation.

This year chose the Allevendia Mars Hero Fundwho provide support for veterans and active families in need. Raising money to the non -profit charity is really the primary purpose of Legion of Mars Krewe.

“Mars Hero Fund has supported thousands of veterans and military families over the past 12 years in their times of financial crisis, and while being posted locally or abroad in service to our nation,” Allegia said.

He added that in addition to just the money, Washington Mardi Gras gives a unique way of spreading the message about their work among Louisiana’s moving men and Shakers.

“We can use this as a platform to honor the military,” he said.

Legion of Mars is also a path for veterans and military members to socialize and have fun, said Member Fred Burmaster, who fought in the Vietnam War as a lance corporal in the marines. After 46 years, he resumed the connection with a friend from wartime and joined Krewe, which was founded in 2013 by a group of combat veterans.

Krewe holds golf tournaments and grills, puts flags on veteran rave for Memorial Day, volunteers at the Veteran Affair’s facilities and supports other organizations.

They have also paraded for more than a decade. This year’s parade will be at St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans on February 22. The parade starts with the Marine Corps band and includes floaters for each service unit, as well as march gangs and a flyer.

Krewe pays for seats on fleet for wounded veterans and others who would otherwise not have a chance to experience throwing pearls and Dublons into a paradise.

Retaining Court

Allevendia held court in one of the hospitality suites along a hall overlooking a garden at the hotel. These suites are sponsored by companies, charities, industry associations, politicians and their fundraising weapons. This is where most of the action takes place between the different events.

Revelers stroll down the aisle and stop at this suite and then it. The drinks are free – it’s hard to get something non -alcoholic – and food is always available.

The offers in the Allendias Suite included mouth -watering Chicken Cordon Bleu and cheese -like cakes with a splash of French onion soup.

He stood with visitors to pictures and distributed “challenge coins” with his royal insignia. Traditionally, military unit managers handed out these coins to prove membership of the unit.

Saturday’s action mostly took place around the hospitality suites, disconnected with various cheers to Mardi Gras Royalty and their courts, which appeared to include queens from almost all festivals in Louisiana.

All a prelude to the ball.

The ball is only open to Krewe members who carried masks and traditional costumes.

The room is large with seating around an oval floor. Members of Krewe, including congressmen, floats and marching orchestras circulate and throwing pearls.

After the parade, the dance begins in front of the stage.

Krewe has a tradition, the Callout dance, where female members ask five men to dance, and the men pray five women. After the end of the Callout dance, a gift is given -bracelet, earrings, etc. -.

Before and after ballet, various companies, local associations and governments held their own events. For example, Jefferson Parish Chamber hosted a champagne cocktail party ahead of BAL. Afterwards, Krewe’s lieutenants held an “Encore” party.

Sunday is when everyone goes home, although a few organizations will host breakfast.

Burmaster, who has not been to Washington before, plans to take a trip to Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, which on the walls shows those killed in the war.

“There are friends on the wall that I would like to see again,” he said.