Martha Stewart says parole officer stopped her from hosting ‘Saturday Night Live’


Live from New York, it wasn’t Martha Stewart.

During a recent performance on the “The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon” the lifestyle expert was asked if she ever hosted “Saturday Night Live.”

“I wanted to, and they asked me when I got out of Alderson, the camp I was II for a while and my parole officer wouldn’t give me time to do it,” she told a laugh Fallon.

The remark cooked the late evening host when the “camp” was Stewarts Stint in 2004 in Alderson Federal Prison related to a stock trading.

Stewart explained that she was only allowed to be out of the house for eight hours a day.

“And parole manager said ‘no?’ “Fallon asked.

“No,” she replied, joking, “the bastard!”

It does not mean that she has given up hope.

“I wanted to be great,” she said of host. “Start a campaign!”

Stewart was sentenced to earn five months at least security prison and two years of probation to prevent a survey of her sales of the IMCLONE share.