Damian Lillard Daps Up Portland Trail Blazers GM Joe Cronin

Portland Trail Blazers fans always lean a little more forward in their seats when Damian Lillard and Milwaukee Bucks come to town. Tonight, Blazer’s General Manager Joe Cronin leaned far enough to get some love from the former blazer.

When Lillard greeted Blazers staff sitting under the wicker court, he went in for a handshake and a hug with Blazers owner Jody Allen.

When the world saw and the limelight of the lady, Joe Cronin was next in line. Lillard said that time immediately prior to his trade from Portland to Milwaukee ”Left a sour taste in my mouth“And for his part, Cronin said” (Lillard) and I went through it “That summer.

What would lady do? Would he let Bygones be lost and greet the man who refused his trade request to the franchise after his election two years ago? Or would he go away and ceremoniously turn his back on a painful past?

With the cameras zoomed in, lady stepped against Cronin, saw him square in the face … and covered him up.

Although lady was a microphone, it is difficult to find out what he was saying.

But to this author it was hard not to imagine what was said through Garbled Audio. Could it be whispers about sweet promises to return to Portland one day? It’s impossible to tell. For tonight, the visual of a solid dap between two old colleagues should be enough.