Researchers who monitor the Football Size of Asteroid that could hit the Earth in the future | Science, climate and tech news

The European Space Agency (ESA) has revealed that it is careful to monitor an asteroid the size of a football field that could hit the ground in just over seven years.

The asteroid, called 2024 YR4, is estimated to have an in 83 chance of a direct hit causing “serious damage to a local region”, according to ESA.

Space Rock, which measures 100 m by 40 m, is currently at a distance of about 27 million miles and moves away from the planet. But its path will cross the Earth’s orbit on December 22, 2032.

Most likely, there would be an almost miss, with the asteroid passing within a few thousand miles.

The Room Mission consulting group planning, president of ESA, will discuss the latest observations of the asteroid at a meeting in Vienna next week.

If the consequence risk is confirmed, it will make official recommendations to the United Nations and the work can begin with opportunities for a “spacecraft -based response to the potential danger,” the agency said in a statement.

Dr. Simeon Barber, a space scientist at Open University, said to Sky News: “We shouldn’t be too worried – at least not yet.

“That’s because our early detection systems often overestimate the likelihood of an influence with the Earth.

“In the early stages, we cannot determine its orbit very accurately and therefore the probability of influence must take into account this uncertainty.

“It is likely that when our technologies to detect soiled objects improve, we can see an increasing number of alarms like this one.

“It is important that we find the right balance between treating the threat seriously but not overreacting in these early stages of discovery when the track is still not well defined.”

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‘Protect our home plane’

Just over two years ago NASA crushed a spacecraft into the 160 m wide asteroid dimorphos and changed his orbit successfully.

At the time, NASA administrator Bill Nelson said, “All of us have a responsibility to protect our home planet. After all, that’s the only one we have.”

Almost Earth Asteroid 2024 YR4 was first stained by a telescope in Chile. Since the beginning of January, astronomers have traced the asteroid to measure its size and movement.

The asteroid is expected to fade from the sight within the next few months as it moves further from the ground. Moreover powerful telescopes are trained on the cliff to collect as much data as possible on its orbit.

When it disappears, it will not return to sight until 2028.

How much damage would such an impact do?

The Earth takes a direct hit from an asteroid of that size only once every few thousand years.

In 1908, a slightly less asteroid – having measured 60 meters across Siberia exploded. It flattened 80 million trees over an area of ​​830 square miles.