Influencer apologizes after throwing racial slur at officers in Beverly Hills – NBC Los Angeles

Florence Mirsky, an influencer and mother of music producer Scott Storch’s son, apologizes in her social media account after a verbal confrontation in which she became video recorded thrown a racial slurry on officers in Beverly Hills.

IN Viral video on social mediaMirsky is heard with the help of a slur for immigrants and tells the officer workers that “President Donald Trump is doing good things because in guys rapes people. You rape and kill people.”

Mirsky seems to have treated the video circulating on her Instagram accountWhere she claims she is not racist and claims that one of the valet workers had groped her from behind.

The influencer is also heard, calling the workers “poor” as she hand over a $ 100 bill to one of the workers and asks for change. One of the workers responded to Mirsky’s comment with “You are poor of soul.”

The video ends with Mirsky asking for her keys before trying to beat the phone to one of the parking persons who recorded.

Mirsky said she was “so wrong” to use sleds and “should have just closed my mouth, called the police, and that’s it.”

According to the Beverly Hills police, no police report has been filed.

NBCLA reached out to the South Beverly Grill, which neighbors served parking space but had no comments or information on the question.

In another video now deleted, Mirsky returned to the valet parking lot and recorded himself and apologized for one of the parking persons watched in the original video.