

The Pulse of Today, The Insight for Tomorrow

Rain Breaks Record Dry Streak, First Alarm Weather Morning To Snow Next Week

Rain Breaks Record Dry Streak, First Alarm Weather Morning To Snow Next Week

The rain has returned – although not soon enough to avoid setting a new dry stretch record! Only one track was recorded on PDX last night, which means we now have a record 18-day dry strip that surpassed the previous 17-day record set in 1948.

Rain returns
Rain returns(KPTV)

It has been a wet start to the day, with more than a quarter empty rain already registered, and with a stable rainfall expected through the evening commuting, a decent amount of accumulation is likely. The rain begins to paint in the early evening and switch to scattered showers across the subway, valleys and coast by Saturday.

3-day prognosis
3-day prognosis(KPTV)

Temperatures will be warmer today and reach the low 50s, but fall back quickly in the mid -40s this weekend. Snow levels hovers around 1,500 feet on Saturday and lowered to 1,000 feet after Sunday morning. Sunday has a mixture of rain/snow showers and tan.

High temperatures
High temperatures(KPTV)

By Monday morning, conditions will be cold enough for scattered snow showers with the potential for icy morning commuter. These conditions are expected to repeat Tuesday and Wednesday morning as low night continues to continue their cooling trend. Heights will dip to the top 30s in the middle of the week, with at night temperatures fall below freezing point-down to mid-20s before Thursday.

Key points
Key points(KPTV)

Key Point: A “showers and Sunbreaks” pattern will prevail, which means snow could accumulate in some areas of the coldest hours every day. While some spots may not look a little to no snow, others may gather a little every night, resulting in an uneven and unpredictable snow distribution. At this point, there is no sign of a larger blizzard, ice storm or Arctic explosion to the subway, valleys and along the coast.