SEVERANCE EPISODE 3: Our best and worst pike theories

This article contains spoilers to Severand’s Season 2.

Severance is a series shrouded in mystery, where each existing episode often raises more questions than the answers, while still managing to be incredibly satisfying. In a series that swims in countless secrets, there is still a question that we continue to return to: WTF is the deal with the goats?

The said goats got their victorious return in this week’s episode such as Mark S. (Adam Scott) and Helly (Britt Lower) drives their way through times in Lumon’s cut flooring trying to get answers to Mark’s previously assumed to be dead wife, Gemma (Dichen Lachman). On their quest, they are in a ged room with a small horde goat’s shepherds who seem completely out of place in a lumon system and also somehow appear that the number of the very goats that are on their charges.

So you know, again we have more questions than answers.

Because of this, we decided to open the question widely to our staff: What the heck do you think is going on with the goats?

Amelia Emberwing, Streaming -Editor: The most demonic thing I’ve ever done (OK, the most demonic thing I’ve done this year …) is to ask people to fit these theories into a paragraph, and now I am here: hoisted by my Own Petard. This week’s episode may not have given us any new answers but that did Change my focus from the goats to the goat people. I am with most of the world, thinking the goats are tied to Kier Eagan somehow, but what is going on with Gwendoline Christie’s character Lorne and her group of nomads? Wondering her outie why she leaves her work in an office building every day smelling of goats and with straw in her hair? And what is this bag situation all about?

Michael Peyton, director of events and partnerships: Since the beginning of the series, the actual work of the Macrodata -offing team has been shrouded in mystery. What exactly do they do by moving these numbers into all the small digital boxes? Fan theories are teeming that it has something to do with keeping members of the Eagan family, especially Helena’s father Jame, alive -possibly with the ultimate goal of reincarending lumon -founder and quasi -deity (at least in the severance world) Kier Eagan . The goat room (specifically the fact that the room seems to be filled with baby goats) plays right into it. It is completely possible that the team in this space perform scientific experiments aiming to preserve the goats’ lives long past their natural life, clone goats or even (somehow) bring deceased goats back from the dead in service for their final Objective to “bring back” their leader, Kier.