Password The host Keke Palmer is many things: a Broadway star, a movie and TV actress, a singer, a writer, a podcaster, a mother and more. She was even host Today with Jenna and Friends in January. But one thing is she not? Actually named Keke.
Keke Palmer’s birth name is not kee
Born Lauren Keyana Palmer, she passed “Keke” among her family but started her career as Lauren. “One day my manager at that time heard my mother call me Keke because I didn’t listen,” Palmer said in an interview from 2022, Per TODAY. “Then she was like ‘Keke. Keke!’ And he said, ‘It’s – it should be your stage name.’ “
“It went from just something that my family called me to be something the whole world called me,” she said. “And more than anything else, I would very much like to return to Lauren.”
Her birth name actually fits with the rest of her family’s naming pattern: Her siblings are older sister Loreal and LawrenCia and Lawrence, who are twins. In March 2024 Palms posted at Instagram To show his younger siblings some love for their common birthday.
“Happy birthday twins !!!! Big sister loves you so much,” she wrote. “In guys have always inspired me so much. The desire to see you enjoy your life and be free of burdens. Knowing the family is always here for you and encourages you to explore the freedom to just be young, be our babies! I I am always proud of you and will always have your back.
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For Keke Palmer she is also still Lauren
Palmer spoke again about uniting his public persona and the inner self during an interview with The cut By 2023, explanatory, “Keke Palmer’s Who I Am, but it’s almost like Spider-Man. I’m Peter Parker at the end of the day, and at one point I have to take off suit. It’s still me I am Still there.
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In the end, she has tried to find a “balance” between the two. “It starts that suit, taking Keke Palmer -side of myself and putting her to rest. To give her an opportunity to recharge and relax and also know that the other side of me may not be the jazzy up all the time, have a place, is necessary, appreciated and is able to just breathe.