EA shows first gameplay of Battlefield 6

EA has pulled the curtain back on Next Mainline Post In his long lasting Battlefield Franchise, explaining a new development plan involving four different studios, as well as a new way for players to jump early to give feedback about what the teams are doing.

On February 3rd, EA released a new video and Website Detail of the future of its FPS War-SIM series.

The next game in the franchise is being developed by four development teams that are part of a new group known as “Battlefield Studios. “As mentioned on a webpage that advertises the group that includes Battlefield Creators Dice together with criterion, ring effect and motive, these studios work together “to bring a bold and faithful new vision for the series to life.”

Early gameplay of this next Battlefield The game seems to indicate that, As previously confirmed by EAIt will return the franchise to modern fight, as seen in fan-favorite titles BF3 and BF4. The studies involved also explained that this new game will include the well -known classes and vehicles used in destructive maps – all characteristics of the series. And this next Battlefield The game that remains named and does not have a release date will also include a single-player campaign.

The other big news that was announced today is Battlefield Labs. This program that players can sign up for now will allow selected users to participate in early, before-alfa-gameplay tests.

While this may sound like a typical beta test – something EA has done before – the studies involved in this next Battlefield The game indicated that Battlefield Labs are different. Players get more content than before, in a previous state under development than usual, and will help provide feedback about what works and what is not working.

How to describe EA Laboratories in a FAQ Found on the franchise’s web site:

(Bf labs) Space for play and exploration; An environment where we can test concepts and mechanics with our players before releasing them in public. Our society is the core of Battlefield; Their feedback is essential to help us know what we need to prioritize what we need to improve and what feels like an authentic Battlefield experience.

It will be interesting to see how BF laboratories affect the development of the game, and also how much of the content from the tests is delicious online for everyone to see.

EA certainly invests a lot of money and resources to get Battlefield Back on the track after 2042 and Bfv Wasn’t Huge hits with society. Returning to modern match and classic class -based multiplayer sounds promising, and the idea of ​​bringing player feedback early can help steer the teams in the right direction. For the time being, we have to wait and see how it all shakes out.

EA has not revealed a release window or an official name for the next game. BF Labs’ FAQ indicates that the next game is only available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.
