Man in the 35-year-old pekas out as the shooter in Örebro

Vid lunch time inträffade a school shutter in Örebro, Inskrit not continued during the afternoon. Minst elva people have died in during the shutter – one of them is the Gärnersmannen. Common Up Tues of Tv4 Nyheterna It is a man in the 35-year sole.

The policing Uppger that a lot of felaky information about the Gärnersmannen och the school shutter has spridits in Sociala Media. Man Uppmanar Därför to Försiktighet with the booth Information man sprays occh to without Sprida Oberkräftad Information.


Polisen Bekräftade under a presseträff that the man believes the Gärningsperskernen är Död. In Nuläget Finns Inga Uppe tolls until the polis on ideological motive, one narrative which has spridits in Sociala Media.

The man, in the 35-year-old, är Hemmahörande in Örebro and Är Inte Tidigare Dömd För Några Brott. Common Up Tues of Tv4 Nyheterna Hade the Man Vapen License.

In Nulläget, the polis believes that Hanerade Ensam.

– He is for the Polisen Inte Känd Sedan Early and has Inte Navgon Kopping to Navgot Gäng. What we think it is that it är a Ensamagerande Gärningspersken, Jag wants to Poängtera that the Bilde can be used to be the case, Säger Polis Area Chief Roberto Eid Forest.


Common Upkedsna should have the man had on it Gröna Kläder under the scene. He should have a shuttit hell and fucked Hittades intill his body. The police believe that cocks on your own hand, but Udluter Inte Andra can have Varit Inclusion.

– We believe that we have the primära gärning person, Även if we do not have more with Kopping, Säger Polis Area Manager Roberto Eid Forest.

The insert has involved a large number of polisresurs från Hela Land, the Nationella Issatyrkan has mixed Annat Varit InBlikad.

Promotion Vid the man’s Bostad

During the afternoon, Även is a policice of the man’s house.

Harriet Lejertorp lives Nära Huset Där The Insert SKEDDE.

– Jag has Varit Hemma Hela the day, late it was a Smäll, Säger Harriet.

Hon known what it was like Smällde, Men Fick Snabbt Information on Attaching to the Tag of Hennes.

– It är Ju Lite otäckt, if it is so that Gärnersmannen Bodde Här, Säger Harriet.

Yesterday 18:28

Örebropolisen: Tiotal Dödade in the school shutter