New England Storm to bring snow, icy mix after the morning commuting

A Gusty northwestern airflow brought sharply colder temperatures into the region overnight, and this cold air will be a key ingredient setting of the stage of the mixed bag of rainfall that Boston and southern New England will see on Thursday.

After a cold night of temperatures falling into teens, clouds have arrived and snow is moving steadily towards the coastline. Depending on when and where you read this, the snow may have begun, but it must be in Boston between approx. 9 and 10 AM The Cold Air is an important part of the storm today.

After a light blue day today with temperatures only in the 20s, the sky will be ready tonight in the first half of the evening, allowing readings to fall into 10- to 15-degree reach. Because cold air is dense and heavy, it is difficult to move. Warmer air will try to move towards us tomorrow, but the warmer air is easier and we have trouble removing the cold at the surface. This is essential for producing gossip and freezing rain.

When the warmer air hits this cold air dome early in the morning, it will be forced up, which creates what we call “lift” from a process called “exceeding”. This lift leads to clouds and rainfall. Originally, it will be cold enough from the clouds down to the ground for snow falling. But eventually a warmer layer of air between where the snowflakes are formed, and here at the ground ends up creating gossip and freezing rain.

Temperatures build over freezing all day Thursday.Boston Globe

I do not think temperatures will rise over freezing from about west of Boston and north of the city. Those of you at Cape Cod and the islands will go over freezing, and this is where the least possible snow will fall, and where rainfall is likely to interfere with and eventually change to rain before they end.

Here is an updated look at where precipitation will change during Thursday’s storm.Boston Globe

The latest timing of the storm

For your planning purposes, those who commute tomorrow morning will do it on dry roads.

7 am to 9 am – West of Worcester Snow can arrive before 1 p.m. 8 Rhode Island begins to see snow in this window.

• 9 to 10 – Snow starts in Boston Following this window that allows school buses and workers to get to their destination.

10 to 13 And There will be an outbreak of snow between approximately at. Boston areaAt Northern Rhode IslandAt New Hampshire and the rest of Northern New England. There may be a few spots that look slightly higher totals, perhaps closer to 4 inches, especially north of Mass Pike. Higher heights could see up to 6 inches of snow.

13.00 to 15.00 – In the afternoon, the rainfall will do two things: the snow becomes lighter and it transfers to a mixture of gossip and freezing rain.

This will not be much rainfall, and treated roads and highways must be fine in the afternoon. Untreated roads and walkways – and even your car – could, however, accumulate a light coating of glaze in the afternoon before the rainfall ends in the evening. Make sure you have the ice scraper convenient to clean the car windows.

• 15.00 to 17.00 – The end time of this mixed bag of rainfall is probably between 7 p.m. 15 and 17, at which time the temperatures may fall a few degrees back to just under 30 overnight.

This is relatively mild and any melting products on roads and walkways work very well. This does not mean that there will be no smooth spots. This just doesn’t become a widespread glaze event.

Prognosis snow totals for Thursday’s storm.Boston Globe
Thursday’s quick storm will move out of noon. Above is the expected loop from the HRRR weather model.Weather Bell

There is a break in the action on Friday as the temperatures are approaching 40 degrees in the afternoon, then plenty of melting. Saturday is also dry with temperatures in the 30s.

Our next storm arrives on Saturday night and Sunday, and it looks more like snow that might change to rain. More details of that storm in the coming days.

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