The role Steven Spielberg forced John Goodman to play

John Goodman has a number of impressive characters in his repertoire. Aside from the obvious likes of Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski and sully in Monsters Inc.his recognizable face and voice can be found in everything from Zany comedy Raises Arizona to gripping drama Flight Via claustrophobic horror 10 Cloverfield Lane.

One of the low points of the star’s recognized career was easily his turn in the live-action version of Flintstones. Goodman plays peace in this very malignant prehistoric comedy, starring with Rick Moranis, Kyle Maclachlan, Halle Berry and Elizabeth Taylor as one of many legends that stained their reputation by performing in this dross. At least it was better than the sequel, Viva Rock Vegas.

While breaking down his most iconic roles (iconic does not always mean good), Goodman revealed when he found out he would step into the bright orange Loincloth of the famous cartoon character and it was a decision that he had no Say over.

“Steven Spielberg threw me in a movie called Always, And I was right in heaven. This is the best thing, ”he revealed to GQ. “So on the day of the first table read, he goes: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say something before we start. I have found my peace flintstone ‘. It just took the wind out of me. It’s not something I looked forward to doing. Yes, I felt like I was the sandbag. It was hot. It was sweating. “

Spielberg did not instruct Flintstones – He was far too smart for it – but he produced Brian Levant’s film through his company Amblin Entertainment. The plans for a movie with the modern Stone Age family had been rumbling for almost a decade before it was actually released, with Supermans Richard Donner initially imagined instructing.

His opinion of the actual film has not changed much but Goodman has been able to extract some good memories from working on Flintstones. “I met Jonathan Winters, who was in a scene,” he revealed. “That was great.” He also had kind words for the man who played his best friend on screen. “Moranis is the best,” he said of Barney Rubble actor. “I loved to show up for work with Rick Moranis.”

Always is an often overlooked post in Spielberg’s filmography, squeezed between Indiana Jones and the last crusade and Hook. It plays Richard Dreyfuss as an aviation man whose recklessness on the job costs him his life. He ends up rebirth as an ethereal spirit, accused of guiding his girlfriend (Holly Hunter) from the big one over. Goodman plays Al, the protagonist’s best friend and Hunter’s character confidential, and the film is also remarkable to present Audrey Hepburn’s last filming performance.

Goodman may never have been directed by Spielberg again, but the two have collaborated in less direct ways. The actor expressed dog in two of Michael Bays Transformers Films that Spielberg Executive produced. There is also the case Bee MovieAs Goodman lent his voice and where Spielberg is credited as ‘cinematic visionary dinner mate’, no matter what it means.

After The flintersAll three films Goodman and Spielberg were both credited that they did not meet expectations, to put it easy. It is also enough to support conspiracy fires that the reason they never cooperated again as an instructor and star was because the actor made it clear that he was getting stronger in the prehistoric comedy.

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