Looking for Friday’s connections tips and answers instead? You can find them here:

ForbesNew ‘Connections’ Today: Tip and Response to Friday, February 7

Hi there, gang! Welcome to the weekend. I hope you have a wonderful one.

I have reminded my trip to Japan five years ago. My partner at the time and I spent almost a month there, booked by staying in Tokyo.

One of my greatest regrets from the trip concerns the first few days when we stayed in Akihabara. The neighborhood is known for (among other things) to be a refuge for video game fans and nerd culture as a whole. But we do not check the area at all.

Our hotel was in a good place to get around Tokyo – it was very close to the metro station. But we didn’t spend much time in Akihabara otherwise. I’m still annoyed that I didn’t explore the area. I have to fix it sometime.

Before we begin, I have created a discussion group to Connections and this column On disagreement. You can chat about every game (and other topics) with me and other people. I am always interested in finding out how other people are approaching the game, so be with us! It’s funny.

It is also the best way to give me any feedback about the column, especially on the rare (!) Events that I root.

Today’s New Connections Tips and answers for Saturday, February 8th coming right up.

How to Play Connections

Connections is a free, popular New York Times Daily word games. You get a new puzzle at midnight every day. You can play on New Website or game -app.

You are presented with a grid of 16 words. Your task is to arrange them in four groups of four by finding out the connections between them. The groups can be things like topics you can click on, names for participants in research studies or words prior to a body part.

There is only one solution for each puzzle and you have to be careful when it comes to words that may fit into more than one category. You can mix the words to maybe help you see connections between them.

Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to find out, blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is usually the hardest. The purple group often involves word games.

Choose four words you think go together and press send. If you guess and you’re wrong you lose a life. If you are close to having a correct group, you can see a message that tells you that you are a word away from getting it right, but you still need to find out which one to swap.

If you make four mistakes, it’s played over. Let’s make sure it doesn’t happen using some tips and if you really fight it is the day’s Connections Answer. As with Wordle And other similar games, it’s easy to share results with your friends on social media and group chats.

If you have a New All access or play subscription you can access the publication Connections File. This includes every previous game of ConnectionsSo you can go back and play some of the ones you’ve missed.

Apart from the first 60 matches or so, you should be able to find my tips for each grid via Google if you need them! Just Click here And add the date of the game that you need clues or the answers to the search queries.

What are today’s connections tip?

Scroll slowly! Right after the hints of each of the day’s Connections Groups, I reveal what the groups are without immediately telling you what words go into them.

Today’s 16 words are …

  • FAST
  • Bunch
  • TEAM
  • SOUL
  • State
  • SOON
  • Ruffle
  • Assembling
  • Bio
  • NOW
  • Junk
  • SO
  • Pucker

And the hints of the day’s Connections Groups are:

  • Yellow Group – Key Information on a Sports Collection Object
  • Green group – just a little wrinkle
  • Blue Group – At one point
  • Purple Group – Don’t expect Joey Tribbiani will offer you any of his

What are today’s connecting groups?

Need a little extra help?

Stay warned: We’re starting to get in on Spoiler territory.

Today’s Connections Groups are …

  • Yellow Group – Info on a baseball card
  • Green Group – Scrunch, as fabric
  • Blue Group – Time Adverbs
  • Purple group – ____ food

What are today’s connections answer?

Spoiler Alert! No longer roll down the page before you are ready to find out the day’s Connections Answer.

This is your last warning!

Today’s Connections The answers are …

  • Yellow Group – Info on a baseball card (Bio, Player, State, Team)
  • Green Group – Scrunch, like fabric (bunch, collect, pucker, ruffle)
  • Blue Group – Time Adverbs (later, now, soon, then)
  • Purple Group – ____ Food (Fast, Finger, Junk, Soul)

Back-to-back wins for me but no perfect game today. This is how I managed:

State, soon and soon could have had the making of a red herring, but I sit with side by getting blues pretty much right away. However, I didn’t really see where to go from there.

This was one of those days when I had to stop looking at my screen for a while. Just take a break and get back to the net later.

When I returned, I tried Pucker, Gather, Ruffle and Team as in a group of “____ Up” words. I was one away from a group. Then I swapped bunch in for pucker, and then pucker back for ruffle to no use. Dang, three lost lives.

Fortunately, I quickly discovered the purple of the smaller grid (mmm, soul food). I think the guy is the first Friends Reference I have ever drawn in this column.

I should have derived yellow much earlier than I did, but hello, that’s how the game sometimes goes. I would have understood it as sports -related information more generally because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baseball card in person.

That’s all that is for that for the day’s Connections tracks and answers. Be sure to check out my blog tomorrow for tips and solution for Sunday’s games if you need them.

PS, looking back through my previous recommendations (I should have tracked these in a spreadsheet, but unfortunately!), I realized I have only ever included a Jimmy Eat World Song. Two if you count a cool acoustic coverage. They are a brilliant band, so let’s fix it wrong to some extent.

Bleed American is the band’s prominent album but I dig the follow -up record, FuturesMuch too. The first single from there was a track called “Pain.” It’s a Humdinger in my book:

I also like the other two singles from that album, so here’s “Work” and “Futures.” Don’t say I’m not good to you:

Have a nice day! Become hydrated! Call someone you love!

If you are so inclined, do you do Follow my blog For more coverage of Connections And other word games and even some video piles, insights and analysis. It helps me a lot! Follow me too Bluesky! It’s funny there.