Dennis Hernandez convicted of threats to Uconn and Brown – NBC Connecticut

Dennis “DJ” Hernandez, brother of the late NFL player Aaron Hernandez, has been convicted after making threats to the University of Connecticut and Brown University as well as several individuals in 2023.

He was sentenced to 18 months in prison, which was already earned with time and three years of monitored release.

Hernandez pleads guilty on December 18 to transfer communication that contains a threat to hurt.

The former Uconn -quarterback was arrested on July 19, 2023, after a victim called Bristol police to say that Hernandez’s mental health was worsened and that he was planning a school shooting, according to an arrest warrant.

The court’s documents and statements made in court show that Hernandez communicated with a person through Facebook Messenger on July 6 and 7, 2023 and gave several statements that threatened to implement a shooting on Uconn.

According to Warranten, Hernandez said he had gone to the University of Connecticut and Brown University to “map the schools” and planned a school shooting.

In a statement, Hernandez said, “I would recommend staying away from there, because when I go, I take everything down. And don’t give off *** that gets caught in the cross -fire,” according to officials.

The arrest warrant said the Bristol police informed Uconn police of the messages and gave them information about a vehicle and that they were able to locate it on Campus on July 7, 2023.

On July 18 and 19, 2023, Hernandez allegedly made several Facebook posts threatening to hurt or kill three people living outside the state, including a state judge, according to DOJ.

In a text, Hernandez said, “We will take life if S *** is not paid,” officials said.

After his arrest on July 19, 2023, Hernandez was taken to New Britain Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.

He has been in custody since his arrest and will now be released.

While on monitored release, Hernandez has to continue mental health and drug abuse treatment. He also has to allow his electronic devices to be monitored by the US Traming Office.

Conditions for his release also say he is forbidden to visit Uconn and other places that he targeted in his threats.

FBI and Bristol Police Department assisted with the investigation.