Congress member Langworthy votes to protect US energy production from executive bans

Congress member Nick Langworthy voted on February 7 to adopt the law on the protection of American Energy Production (HR 26), legislation designed to prevent the executive branch from introducing a unilateral ban on hydraulic breaches without congressional approval.

Langworthy, the only Republican from New York in Energy and Commerce Committee, emphasized the importance of natural gas extraction as part of America’s energy strategy. He also criticized New York Governor Kathy Hochul for having a ban on hydraulic breach and argued that such policies are politically motivated.

“The Democrats’ extreme green policies for New Deal have destroyed domestic energy production, which has caused huge spikes in costs for Americans and made us more dependent on foreign energy,” Langworthy said. He argued that these measures are damaging the economy and weakening national security. “This bill prevents any president from adopting a unilateral ban that protects one of America’s most vital energy sources.”

New York’s 23. While hydraulic fracture is banned in New York, it is performed just above the State Line in Pennsylvania. Langworthy confirmed his commitment to fighting for a cessation of the ban in New York.

Earlier this week, Langworthy attended a congressional hearing to restore America’s energy addiction.