The Chinese Noir of the 17th Century with Game of Thrones Vibber

Posted in: TV | Marked: C-drama, Game of Thrones, Kill My Sins

Kill my sins is something else: a period of Chinese Noir mystery about the revenge of a femme fatal and everyone who plans to kill each other.

Kill my sinsIf Chinese title means “The Palm”, a new Chinese Mystery series that is slightly different from the infinite stream of ancient Chinese fantasy series of impossible beautiful people with swords and mysterious powers falling in love in the midst of the epic battles and intrigue. It is quite unusual to get a Chinese series with a reckless femme fatale that plans to reduce a whole system of powerful people, and she will manipulate and betray someone to get her revenge.

Kill my sins: A Chinese noir from the 17th century with Game of Thrones VibesKill my sins: A Chinese noir from the 17th century with Game of Thrones Vibes
“Kill My Sins” Graphic: Youku, YouTube

Kill my sins is about In Ping’an (the play of Liu Shishi), a cardiologist and hypnotist arriving at Shengdu to investigate an old case. Rumors spread that she is a witch who practices sorcery and manipulates hearts and minds. When she is charged with the murder of an official who hired her to treat his paranoia, she has to solve the mystery to avoid being executed, and in medieval China it means that getting your head cut off. Fun. Yuan Shaocheng (played by Dou Xiao), an investigator with ambitions to become Chancellor, realizes that there is more to the case than that meets the eye and is determined to get your execution. But in Ping’an has already made her the first step on her way to revenge. She earns a postponement from execution to examine her murder, while Yuan Shaocheng has his own secrets to hide, secrets he is willing to kill for. The scene is set to an anti-Buddy murder mystery, both of which may have the second one killed at the first option. Ye Ping’an (whose name literally means “peace”) is out of correcting a wrong and having a hit list and a small band with women on her side, all on her scheme. Cue lots of people staring and shooting by those pointing swords against each other.“style =” limit: 0px; “Allow =” accelerometer; AutoPlay; encrypted media; Gyroscope; Image-i-image; Full screen; “Loading =” Lazy “SRC =” Title = “YouTube Video”>

That trailer looks funny. Kill my sins Is not the most elegant English title that the producers of the series could come up with, but good, eye -catching English titles are not their forts. I can’t help thinking the “sins” or “the mistress of sins” would have been a cooler title but what can you do? Detailed revenge dramas in the direction of Alexandre DumasThe count of Monte Cristo are not uncommon in Chinese pop fiction and drama. They are just really complex and hard to plot. The reason for revenge is usually betrayal and execution of someone’s whole family, which also resembles the matter with this series. It is rare to have a series where every character is a fucking that kills quite a few people when the story goes together, and thus Game of Thrones Vibber. The series is full of sweeping widescreen -kinematography, sweeping camera work and quick edits to prevent a lot of online viewers from looking at their phones. Such is C-drama these days. You can catch the pilot episode below with the rest of the thirty episodes to be followed during weekdays.“style =” limit: 0px; “Allow =” accelerometer; AutoPlay; encrypted media; Gyroscope; Image-i-image; Full screen; “Loading =” Lazy “SRC =” Title = “YouTube Video”>

Kill my sins Streaming on Youku (with a subscription) and their official YouTube channel.

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