Former Minnesota Viking makes a decision on her future

Minnesota native and former Minnesota Viking, Adam Thielen, told media members yesterday that he plans to continue his NFL career, at least for one more year.


The current Carolina Panther Wide recipient told the media at the end of the regular season that he should take a few weeks to think of his future. Thielen said he would spend time with his wife and three children and then listen to his body.

Carolina Panthers V Atlanta Falcons

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Reports from Charlotte say Thielen had several family members present on Panther’s last match because he leaned against retirement.

Green Bay Packers against Carolina Panthers

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Thielen spoke yesterday on the media accessories in New Orleans in the Super Bowl and said his family knew he was close to not returning for a year anymore, but apart from that he kept his thoughts on the process for himself.

Thielen was the Panthers representative of the NFL Man of the Year Award for his philanthropic efforts both in Carolinas and here in Minnesota.

Minnesota Vikings against Green Bay Packers

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Thielen told an English newspaper this week that after a few weeks away, he feels he has more football in him and is looking forward to the upcoming season. Adam Thielen was a little left that his remarks made such news when others around the country heard them. Says Thielen is fifth among untreated free agent recipients with 8,311 yards, 65 touchdowns on 685 passports caught.

Since the end of his career is in sight, I have seen several Vikings fans online pushing to bring Detroit Lakes resident in the Vikings for what could be his last season.

That would be nice, I assume that only time will show. For the time being, Adam Thielen is getting ready for another season, such as as a football fan and a fan of Adam Thielen is happy to see.

History of Minnesota Timberwolves’ 1. round draft – year by year

No team probably has a little more in its history in Minnesota than Timberwolves from Playoff errors for bad decisions, see Joe Smith’s contract and bad trades, it seems that the team is almost always in the waiting-after-year condition. A look at the team’s first round draft over the years can help explain some of it.