Game thread: Denver Nuggets vs Phoenix Suns. February 8, 2025.

Community guidelines

Welcome to Denver Stiffs! We are glad you are here.

Denver stiffen is a society where sports fans with all backgrounds gather to share their passion. We strive to create a fun and welcoming place for everyone to get a fan with us. These guidelines help ensure that it happens. Here is the short version:

  • Be respectful in your interactions with contributors and fellow fans.
  • Don’t be a fool and don’t call other people jerking.
  • We remove everything we see that jeopardizes our society.
  • We ask that you do your best to keep the conversation for sports and primarily our favorite NBA team. Why? Because there are plenty of other sites where you can send out your opinions about everything from politics to soup recipes.
  • You can help with that. If you see something that doesn’t match our guidelines, tell us. Flag any comments or usernames that violate our guidelines so that our community leaders can review them.

These rules extend to our society everywhere: in our comments, on social media and in real life.

We do not allow any of the following:

  • Personal attack: This includes name calls, insults, threats, hurtful comments about someone’s appearance, voice or style and all other forms of attack. We want our community to be inviting and fun. Personal attacks are the opposite of it.
  • Attack on employees: It’s fine to criticize a post, disagree with a take or point out errors. However, we draw the line by personal attacks (see above) about writers, editors, moderators, etc.
  • Discriminating or derogatory language: This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, standism or other forms of discrimination.
  • Harassment: This includes, but is not limited to, threats; persecution; unwanted photography; inappropriate physical contact; Using sexual or discriminatory images, comments or jokes; and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Want damage to athletes: Not root for an injury, not mess to the detriment of hitting a coach or athlete. You may wish someone be fired or released, but do not hope for bodily harm.
  • Incorrect information and disinformation: Sharing declining false information about news or world events, in addition to the extent of reasonable sports opinion or analysis, may be detrimental to our society. These comments are removed and can result in a suspension or ban.
  • Illegal activity: Do not promote, encourage or make light on any kind of illegal activity, including DUIs, domestic violence or sexual assault.
  • NSFW photos and comments: Keep it PG-13, otherwise you will be removed. This includes language and images that are sexual, violent or generally offensive in nature.
  • Excessive gang: Fans are working up on Spildage and we are fans too. We understand that. As a general rule, keep gangs to a minimum. Some communities prohibit gangs, so be sure to review guidelines for the individual communities you are participating in.
  • More accounts and threw e emails: This is a signal that you are not interested in being a productive member of our society and we do not allow it.
  • Trolling: We know that when we see it and we remove it. Also, do not go to a rival team society for the sole purpose of tearing up their fans. Furthermore, you should never publish any private or personally identifiable information. Doxxing is strictly prohibited.
  • Rule “First Post”: If you break any of these guidelines with your very first post or interaction, it signalizes to our community leaders that you are just here to be disturbing. Transferers may be banned, blocked or removed.
  • SPAM: We have a zero-tolerance policy for spam that includes sharing links to illegal game flows or downloads. Spam will be deleted and spammers may be banned, blocked or removed.
  • Political comment: Denver Stiffs is a place dedicated to Denver nuggets, not politics. There are many places available on the Internet to discuss politics, Denver Stiffs is not one of them. Please abstain from any political comment while using our site.

Anyone who does not follow these rules when they participate in our society will at best be removed from the conversation, and at worst it will end from this society. These decisions will be made according to our community leaders and other mile high sports staff. Community leaders and moderators have final sayings on interpreting the violation of our social guidelines and on all decisions that result in a warning, suspension and/or ban.

If you see any of these things happening in our community, you have to mark it and it will be reviewed. You can also reach out through our contact page.