Matthew McConaughey Super Bowl Ad: Uber Eating Football Conspirational

Uber Eats’ 2025 Super Bowl reveals a remarkable conspiracy: Football was created to make people hungry.

So for his big game, the brand reveals the dark secret story of football, with Matthew McConaughey, who portrays the “inventor” of the game, Matthew McConaughey, who plays “Founder” by Buffalo Bills, Matthew McConaughey, who plays Mike Ditka, Matthew McConaughey to play Peyton Manning and Matthew McConaughey Player, yes, you get the idea.

“First of all, we needed someone who could really resonate with this idea of ​​quite a boiling conspiracy, while we were also part of one or The Hollywood reporter. ”And Matthew McConaughey was perfect for it. He is an NFL fanatic, he is very synergistic with this eccentric idea that football is actually a crazy conspiracy just to make you hungry. ”

But Uber not only trusts that McConaughey appeared in a tableau of moments from football history (real or imagined): It also brings a score of celebrity comens. From Kevin Bacon, who helped stem the term “pork skins” to heat, was hosted by Sean Evans, who was there and ate chicken wings in Buffalo when the idea of ​​an NFL team came up with Martha Stewart and Charli XCX, riffy it riffed it The fact that the half -time show is “sponsored by an apple” and that the game is played in a stadium (Caesar’s Superdome) “Named after a salad!” Stewart Quips.

And of course, Gerwig, who is revealed as the person, McConaughey, throws his conspiracy to all the time.

“Do you want me to make a movie about a football conspiracy?” Gerwig Quips on site.

“What was really critical to us and is always with every Super Bowl is that we have an ensemble crew and that every person in the role crew should reinforce the creative idea. They can’t just be there because they appeal to Gen Z, or they appeal to mothers, ”says Jeffreys. “The ensemble allows us to actually utilize lots of different fan bases and make sure there is something for everyone, why the expansion of having someone like Greta Gerwig in there, and Charlie XCX and Martha Stewart all became really important.”

“We spend a huge amount of time really calling every joke, we actually shoot much more than we use,” Jeffreys adds. “We shoot hundreds of hours of recordings, and you then have to distill it into the very best 60 seconds. There are a lot of things that don’t do the clip, but at the end of the day we just really look at making sure the idea is really smart. ”

But the place was also something of an audible for Uber Eats, with Jeffreys, who said the brand did not enter the NFL season planning to buy a Super Bowl ad. But the company launched its conspiracy campaign with McConaughey, and the reaction to the initial places changed their opinion.

“We felt we had lightning in a bottle and it made sense for us to continue this story,” says Jeffreys. “Our hope is that this story has more fruitful grounds and there is more to take from it and that it continues to extend within future football seasons.”

And with the Super Bowl campaigns expanded out of home, Uber Eats will take advantage of his app to connect to the big game space. Martha Stewart creates a “Caesar Superdome Salad” that users will be able to order via Uber Eats.