Chicago area schools to close, switch to e-learning in front of blizzard

With the biggest blizzard of the season on the road, schools in the Chicago area have begun to announce closures or switch to e-learning on Wednesday.

A winter weather counseling will take effect at. 9 CST Wednesday and stays in place until 7 p.m. 3 CST Thursday, according to the National Weather Service.

Snow from the winter storm begins to move into the Chicago area on Wednesday morning and begin lightly and continue with late in the morning. At early afternoon, the snow cover rises throughout the area.

Chicago Area School closures Wednesday

The following schools and districts have canceled classes or moved to e-learning to Wednesday prior to the winter storm.

Tap here for a list of full school endings

Wednesday’s weather forecast

The heavier snow is reserved for afternoon and evening hours, which will make the prime minister much worse than this morning.

Fox 32 meteorologists look at a widespread 3 to 6-inch event. Snow subsides during those overnight as low temperatures dip into teens after maximizing in the mid -20s this afternoon.

The rest of Thursday has the clearing of sky with temperatures that remain cold.

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