How to see February’s Snow Moon

T.The second full moon in 2025, called “Snow Moon”, will be at its highest this week. The moon, named after the heavy snowfall of the winter season, arrives just as much of the United States is expected to be affected by back-to-back blizzard.

Here’s what to know about the snowman.

When is the snowmain?

The snowmoon reaches maximum lighting Wednesday morning at. 8:53 Est, according to The moon will be below the horizon at this time, so The Almanacs Moon Guide recommends looking for it on Tuesday or Wednesday night. The moon will reach the horizon around sunset and reach its highest point in the sky around midnight.

How can I see it?

You can see the snowman with your naked eye, but try to stare in an area of ​​less light pollution to appreciate its full beauty. If you are not able to catch a glimpse of Wednesday, the moon will also occur full in the days before and after its peak – although with most of the US is expected to be affected by storms this week, some Stargazers may have difficulty in Catch it.

Why is it called the snowman?

Many early native American tribes kept track of time through phases of the moon and some of the names were Adopted by European colonists. “Snow Moon” was named with reference to the heavy snow that falls during the winter season. Because the season also brought bad weather that made hunting difficult, it was also referred to as “Hunger Moon.”

When is the next full moon after this one?

The next full moon called “Worm Moon” will take place in mid -March. Until then, keep an eye on Venus, the planet named after the Roman love goddess that reaches the top Brightness On February 14 – just in time for Valentine’s Day.