Columbia School Board selects unanimous name of New Elementary School

The Columbia Board of Education unanimously chose the name of its new primary school.

On Monday night, the board voted to name the new School Eagle Bluffs Elementary.

The new school will be next to John Warner Middle School on Sinclair Road.

During Monday evening’s meeting, members of the name committee presented the top two names to the board.

The committee, which consisted of six voting members, thanked students in high school and high school from Superintendent Student Advisory Group to provide input to the two name recommendations.

The two names were Eagle Bluffs Elementary and Sinclair Elementary.

The committee announced that 46 names were proposed by society.

All names were classified using a naming heading.

The five categories of the naming heading were:

  1. Geographical relevance
  2. Adaptation with district mission
  3. Uniqueness and identifiability
  4. Contribution to society
  5. Historical significance

The Board of Directors unanimously elected Eagle Bluffs Elementary as the new name.