Former MLB players John Rocker and Patrick Mahomes Sr. Almost threw almost on the streets of New Orleans this weekend

This is a tough look for Mr. Mahomes. First, your son is one of the most famous and well -liked people in the world, and he plays in the Super Bowl on Sunday. I don’t know what night this video was from but why are you a place on the planet that is near John Fucking Rocker?

There is an old saying that says “You don’t have to go looking for problems, problems find you.”

Well, that’s bullshit in this case.

Being out in the French Quarter, not at one of the 500 officially licensed and branded NFL events, or with Eveyrbody other at the Family Hotel is Bonkers. Especially when this is the 5th time your son is in the Super Bowl.

Act like you’ve been there before.

This is perfectly normal behavior for Jackson Mahomes. Had this been him in the video, and not his father, I don’t think anyone would look an eye.

There is absolutely nothing good that can come from having a discussion with a drunken John -Rocker, with a drink in his hand, out on the street, by God knows what hour, on Bourbon St.


“Never argue with stupid people, they will pull you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

—Mark twain

Clean it fuck up Mr. Mahomes.