Captain America: Brave New World is the start of Avengers 2.0

It’s been almost six years since Avengers collapsed after the defeat of the death of Tony Stark. But it was only a matter of time until the world needed its most powerful heroes again. With new Avengers films coming in 2026 and 2027, MCU has to gather the team pretty quickly. Fortunately, the first step begins in recruiting the next version of The Avengers in Captain America: Brave New World.

“We know people miss The Avengers and we miss The Avengers,” says Nate Moore, a veteran producer in Marvel Studios and one of the guiding hands behind the fourth Captain America movie. “But we knew that if we jumped right back to Avengers after playoffs, we wouldn’t give people a chance to miss it.”

Moore notes that the very best Avengers teams across Marvel Comic’s history have had Captain America in the center. And then after Steve Rogers handed his shield to Sam Wilson at the end of Avengers: Endgame had to spend time building Wilson in the kind of leader he needed. It takes time, partly because Wilson did not easily take the role of Captain America easy. The six -part Disney+ show, Falcon and The Winter Soldier, explored his battles with this transition. Fortunately, at the events of the brave new world, Wilson carries the red, white and blue with pride. But just as he has overcome the challenge of becoming Captain America, he has presented a whole new, more scary task: becoming the leader of a new Avengers team.

As revealed in a marketing clip before release, Brave New World’s opening act sees that President Ross (played by Harrison Ford, who takes over from the late William Hurt), asks Wilson to restart the Avengers project. Long -term fans can understandably be a little confused of this. Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross is the man who established the Sokovia Agreements, the Superhelm Registration Act, causing a civil war. So why should the man notorious to divide Avengers like to see them together again?

“He was a guy who had this real heritage that might be defined by his anger,” agrees brave New World’s director, Julius Onah. “But the man we meet now is a man who is an older statesman who is a diplomat that turns a new magazine that sees and understands the mistakes of his past and will make it better. (He wants to start) The Avengers because they could be an advantage for the world. ”

Ross is a general, so definitely he understands what a tactical advantage is.

Of course, President Ross does not plan to recreate Avengers exactly as they once were. As we saw in Falcon and the winter soldier, Captain America is now an official US government role. And in the opening of the brave new world, Wilson works directly with the president. All of this means that a Captain America-led Avengers team would also effectively be a branch of the US Defense Department.

“Ross is the man who passed the Sokovia agreements,” says Moore. “He certainly realized that Avengers left uncontrolled may not be the best idea for anyone. And then I definitely think he understands that power is more advantageous to him if it is under his command and he expects why not do it first before anyone beats me to the punch. “

Sam Wilson is now going to step up to Captain America’s Ultimate Responsibility: Leading the Avengers. | Image Credit: Disney / Marvel Studios

But President Ross is probably not interested in gathering Avengers because he knows they are needed for a few films in the future. The more likely explanation of Ross’ sudden interest in a superhero team is the discovery of a world -changing substance. Do you remember the heavenly turned to stone at the end of Eternals? As revealed on San Diego Comic Con 2024, MCU’s researchers have discovered that it is a source of Adamantium, Marvel’s best -known super metal and a precious alternative to Wakanda’s heavily defended vibranium. With this miracle metal just sitting out there in the sea, it’s open season for any nation on earth. So if there is about to be an Adamantium weapon run, it makes sense to have a few superheroes on your side.

“I definitely think any nation that has a group of Avengers has a leg up over someone else,” says Moore. “And Ross is a general, so he definitely understands what a tactical advantage is!”