When will your Lansing Street be plowed? Here’s the City Plan

Lansing – The city’s officials said Wednesday that they are planning to have plows that are constantly running for several days as a few large blizzards are expected to bring several centimeters of snowfall.

Main roads will be plowed first, and side streets are expected to start watching plowing around noon Thursday, said Andy Kilpatrick, Lansing’s director of public service.

There can hardly be enough time to get all side streets plowed before Saturday’s snowfall comes and the process starts again, Kilpatrick said.

Thursday’s first rounds of Side Street plowing starts on the southern side of the city, based on the normal trash pickup plan.

Lansing salts and plowing about 139 miles of main roads or roads and more than 400 miles of the road completely.

The city has about 25 plow cars starting to drive but will go down to about 16 trucks when workers start hitting their maximum hours: 18 hours a day under a snow -emergency situation.

What should I do?

If you are a lansing house owner, make sure the sidewalks are clouded within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall. The sidewalks must also be salted – or covered with a replacement such as sand, sawdust or ash.

If the city’s officials notice snow or ice on the sidewalk after the first 24 hours, or if the city’s officials are warned, they will leave a message giving the homeowner 24 hours to get it shovel.

The city will then make shovel and salting and leave homeowners with a bill, at least $ 149.

In East Lansing, snow that falls before noon should be cleared by midnight the same day and snow after noon should be cleared by midnight the next day. Fines are $ 110.

Many Michigan towns have similar ordinances. Contact your local city to make sure.

Check on your street

Lansing has an online card showing where Snow plows have been. The data is not in real time, so you cannot track a truck that they are moving, but you can see where they have been.

If your street was skipped, you can report it to the city by calling 311 or using the Lansing Connect app on your phone.

Contact Mike Ellis at 517-267-0415 or [email protected]