‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Review: This is Red

Imagine this: a suspected killer running from the government; a creepy president who averts enemies on a plane; A brainwashed former soldier involved in a conspiracy. It’s not the spiky political thrillers “The Fugitive” or “Air Force One” or “The Manchurian Candidate,” it’s “Captain America: Brave New World.”

Then, the movie Harrison Ford recruited a cinematic universe that welded on his own the modern movie Wink-why not give us what we expect? In its early things, “Brave New World” actually partly reads as a paranoid ’90s genre films caught in a Marvel movie struggling to break free from its franchise restrictions: too much setup, too many villains, too very thin scattered lore .

After Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), alias the new Captain America, picks up a valuable drug known as Adamantium from the villain Sidewinder (Giancarlo Esposito as a Hammy iteration of Gus Fring, his “Breaking Bad” character), he brings it back to a grateful President Ross (Harrison Ford). On a collection intended to announce a global treaty about Adamantium’s use, the president is murdered almost by Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbly, a bright spot), a former soldier who becomes junk. Wilson goes on his side to find the mysterious villain who not only controls Bradley, but also what eventually becomes a Hulking food ross.

The whole thing is a lot to treat and yet not almost enough to keep your attention. For all the film’s genre ambitions are the only gaps of concrete political intrigues found in them AccidentallyOr via allusions to those who have already been explored (Global Class Politics and the mixed messages of a black Captain America in the film’s TV leader, “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”).

What is left instead is a movie whose idea of ​​excitement is mostly moving in light speed with constant explanation. The film, directed by Julius Onah, has the frayed tailor by a film marked by Reshoots and changes: Writing is stiff and the ensemble is mostly charmless, while the visual is slapdash.

Like the new Captain America, Mackie might have been convicted from the start. And yet he lacks megawatt magnetism to raise or even just unclear, the poor construction of a tentpole franchise on his own. He is a far better actor elsewhere, but here his free -end Avenger and the bad blockbuster show only the loose seams.

What the film is mostly dependent on instead is Ford, not only as an actor, but like his alter ego. When Red Hulk finally appears, it is an add-in-last ditch effort and instead regain that kind of fan service pleasure from Marvel’s old. With its cheap action and garish visuals, it is that we go into yet another genre completely: action figure commercial.

Captain America: Brave New World
Rated PG-13 for Hulk Smashes. Driving time: 1 hour 58 minutes. In theaters.