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Anthem Insurance in Missouri to limit anesthesia coverage after certain time limits

Anthem Insurance in Missouri to limit anesthesia coverage after certain time limits

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) – In a move that is drawing sharp feedback from doctors, Anthem Insurance has decided to limit anesthesia coverage to a time limit.

The health insurance giant announced that the move would take effect on 1 February 2025.

“We will use the CMS Physician Work Time values ​​to target the number of minutes reported for anesthesia services,” Anthem stated in a November announcement. “Claims submitted with reported time over the specified number of minutes will be rejected.”

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) rejected the move and asked the company to reverse course.

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The exclusions for the change are patients under the age of 22 and maternity-related care.

The ASA said it is encouraging those concerned about Anthem’s proposal to contact theirs state insurance commissioner or state legislature.

The policy will go into effect for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield plans representing Connecticut, New York and Missouri, according to the ASA.

Anthem stated that anyone who disagrees with a claim reimbursement decision must follow the claims dispute procedure outlined in their provider manual and that documentation is required to support such requests.

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