Are high potential going into a “will they, won’t they” phase with Morgan and Karadec?

Certain ingredients go into almost any recipe for a successful procedural series, whether it involves police, hospitals or firefighting.

The one cliché and trope that never seems to go out of style is the classic “Will They, Won’t They”.

It’s an overused narrative tool for a reason, but it might not be as welcome on High Potential as the writers think. If you’re anything like this TV fanatic, the last thing you want is for Morgan and Karadec to end up together.

(Disney/Carlos Lopez-Calleja)

Don’t get me wrong – they have great chemistry, but whether that’s because the characters work so well together or something more remains to be seen.

Tell me that. Is there anything else going on with this attractive investigative duo? Should there be? Would you welcome it or would it drag High Potential down?

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