Trump’s company has been retired in EE. UU. del acuerdo climática de Paris and intenda promote los combustible materials


The US President, Donald Trump, is helping to consolidate his intent on combustible materials and return to the development of Estados Unidos and materia de crisis climática y energía limpia, incl.

Las primeras medidas de Trump is produced while the fires provoked by the crisis climate asolan el sur de California, tras el año caluroso jamás registrado en el planeta, durante el cual dos grandes huracanes, Helene y Milton, devastaron el sureste.

In his investiture discourse, Trump said that he would declare a “national energy emergency”, although the United States is producing more petroleum now que cualquier otro país en cualquier otro momento. His intention is to speed up the granting of permits and revise the regulations that “impose unnecessary charges on the production and the use of energy, including mining and the processing of non-burnable minerals”, according to a list of Trumpinaic priorities.

It also intends to take measures to put an end to the leasing of land and water for wind energy, and undo the actions of the Government of Biden that promote electric vehicles.

Trump considers that the prices of energy are fundamental to address the general frustration of the cost of life. He argued that reducing bureaucracy will help lower energy prices and combat general inflation.

“The inflation crisis was caused by excessive spending and the escalation of energy prices,” Trump said during his investiture speech. “That’s why the one emergency declared energérique nacional. Perforaremos, nene, perforaremos”.

At the beginning of this month, the scientists declared that the planet exceeded for the first time los 1.5° Celsius of global warming last year, a point of reference significant that the experts investigating the inflection points of the Earth he warned humanity should evitar, y el objetivo al que aspiraban los ledes mundiales when they signed the Agreement of Paris in 2015.

The highest temperatures of 1.5° Celsius, a crisis climate provoked by a human, alimentada of pollution of combustible substances characterized by atrapan el calories, is a superar la capacidad de adaptación de la humanidad y del mundo natural.

An opinion from David Wirth, professor at the Facultad af Derecho del Boston College and expert on international publicity, as a participation of Estados Unidos in an international conversation about the climate that is judgmental in a way.

“Integridad del compromiso de Estados Unidos con esta cuistento quedaría entredicho, así como su reliability como socio en los tratados”, declares Wirth to CNN.

Trump promised to return to the medida de Biden que prohíbe la perforación de petroleo en alta mar en 252 milliones de hectares de océano, but deshacerla podria requirir una ley del Congreso. Habló en varias occasions that are possible to take place in the Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre del Ártico de Alaska and more perforaciones, pero las subastas recientes en esta region prístina, hogar de especies amenazadas, he fracasado deboto de intea lasfaltera industri .

“Seremos una nación rica nuevamente, y es ese oro líquido bajo nuestros pies lo que ajudare a logarlo”, says Trump este lunes.

Analysts are skeptical of the possibility that Trump’s measures – if they survive the inevitable legal challenges – will disrupt the production of American oil or cause a collapse in the prices of gasoline by the gallon as previously promised. president.

Although Trump is focused on keeping gasoline prices low, the reality is that even the White House has a limited direct power.

“When I worked for President Bush, I looked for the magic wand that lowered the oil prices immediately. No existe”, says Bob McNally, president of Rapidan Energy Group and energy practice of Bush. “Un president no puede reducir los precios del petroleo”.

The United States produces more petroleum than any other country in world history. Y a diferencia de las caciones de la OPEC, la producción de petroleum estadounidense la fija el mercado libre, no el gobierno. The influence of the political government en las decisions sobre la oferta, pero en última instancia corresponde al sektor privado decidir cuánto perforar.

Hasta ahora, las companías petroleras han indicado que no tienen prisa por aumentar drásticamente la producción. Muchos presidentes de empresas petroleras he learned the lessons of the recent past, cuando un exceso de perforaciones provocó un exceso de oferta que hundió los precios.

According to a survey carried out by the Banco de la Reserva Federal de Dallas between 132 companies, only 14% of the directors of petrol and gas have been predicted to significantly increase their capital expenditure this year. De hecho, more ejecutivos petroleros indicaron que planean reducir el gasto que aumentarlo.

In his discourse, Trump promised that una de sus primeras medidas en el cargo would derogar un mandato sobre vehicules eléctricos.

“A través de mi action de hoy putremos fin al nuevo pacto verde y revokaremos el mandato de vehículos eléctricos, salvando nuestra industria automovilística y compliendo mi sagrada promesa a nuestros grandes trabajadores automovilídenticos”, dijostadounidenses. “En otras palabras, podrás comprar el coche que elijas”.

Sin embargo, no existing mandate.

La Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente presents in March the new norm on emissions of exhaust gases, cuyo objetivo es que entre el 35% y el 56% de todas las ventas de coches nuevos Sean de eléctricos para 2032.

Los estudiantes pueden comprar vehicules tradicionales de gasoline y han seguito haciéndolo. Las ventas de vehicules eléctricos en EE.UU. aumentaron a torno a un 7% i 2024, hasta 1.3 milliones de vehículos, Según cifras de Cox Automotive, pero solo supusieron el 8% de las ventas de vehículos de pasajeros, que ascendieron a 16 milliones duranto.

Elon Musk, one of Trump’s main parties and CEO of Tesla, a mayor manufacturer of vehicules eléctricos del mundo, has dicho en su plataforma de redes sociales X que apoya el fin de los créditos fiscales for los compradors de vehicules eléctricos.

Los annalistas del sector automovilístico creen que poner fin a la desgravación fiscal beneficiaría a Tesla, a pesar de que ha que los coches de Tesla sean more competivos and precio con los vehículos de benzine. But it is likely that Tesla’s capabilities are convinced that Tesla has a traditional car manufacturer, which can be purchased for several models of electric vehicles.

Two democratic governors who co-chair the bipartite US Climate Alliance – a group of 24 states and territories – said they would head a US delegation in the annual UN climate negotiations, scheduled for 202 to 205 in Brazil.

“Es fundamental que la comunidad internacional sepa que la acción climática continuará en Estados Unidos”, confirmed a un comunicado by the governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, and the governor of Nuevo México, Michelle Lujan Grisham. “The alliance will carry this message at COP30”.

An official of the United Nations who supervises the negotiations on the climate crisis reiterated that “the door is still open to the Paris Agreement” disappears because President Donald Trump withdrew from the United States the historical climate agreement for the second time.

“Let’s welcome the constructive commitment of all and every country,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell in a statement.

Stiell highlighted the importance of clean energy in the world, valued at US$ 2 trillion last year and increasing, and warned that the countries that do not adopt it will fall behind. Otros grupos climáticas se hicieron eco de sus palabras.

“No hay emergencia energética. Hay una emergencia climática”, confirms a communication Manish Bapna, president of the Consejo para la Defensa de los Recursos Naturales. “The United States produces more oil and gas than any other country in history. Thanks to the success of climate policy and energy, the country is producing more clean energy than ever”.