The Year of the Snake, explained

While the Times Square ball may have happened several weeks ago, you can still make the most of a fresh start thanks to the Chinese New Year. Falling on Wednesday, January 29, the Lunar New Year, also called the Spring Festival, marks the beginning of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. It will also usher in the Year of the Snake, which brings a surge of alert energy and a period where self-reflection can benefit you more than bold action.

“In 2024, we had Dragon energy, and dragons can fly, but the snake lives on the ground, where it feels every vibration, every tremor, every footstep,” explains Donna Stellhorn, astrologer, feng shui expert and author of Chinese Astrology: Life, Love and Luck in Twelve Zodiac Signs “By 2025, people will be more intuitive, aware of their surroundings and what is happening in the world.” Read on to find out how to make the most of the Year of the Snake.

What you need to know about the Chinese zodiac cycle basics

Chinese astrology involves a 12-year cycle, with each year assigned to one of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac. The 12 animal signs are:

  • Rat
  • Ox
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Dragon
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Sheep
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig (or boar)

Besides being associated with one of the animal signs, each year also corresponds to one of the five basic elements in Chinese cosmology: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. The unique combinations of animal signs and elements form a 60-year cycle. And just as a year’s animal sign sets a particular tone, each year’s element adds another layer in terms of the themes you can expect.

What to expect during the Year of the Snake

To get a sense of what you can expect the Year of the Snake to bring, it helps to consider the sign’s unique characteristics as well as other aspects of this specific Year of the Snake, such as the element it is associated with, which is wood, and the fact, that it is a Yang year (more on that in a moment).

You will be more careful

Because the snake lives on the earth, those born under this sign are more alert and aware of the world around them, and in turn are anything but impulsive or careless. Given these traits, Stellhorn argues that we’ll be less likely to rush into anything this year. “In fact, most people will take a wait-and-see approach,” she notes.

Snake’s guarded approach could color how we all move through the world and build momentum on our goals—and it will be in a slower, less dynamic way than in 2024. In other words, it’s not a hit-the-gas kind of year .

“Generally, people are more cautious during a snake year,” says Stellhorn. You may be less inclined to make big money moves, or you may find that even if you are able to bring a conflict to the negotiating table, you find yourself at an impasse. “Disagreements don’t always get resolved (in a Snake year),” says Stellhorn. “This year there will be a lot of talk, but less action will actually happen as plans get tied up.”

You will prioritize self-reflection

Adding to this slower energy is the fact that this year for the snake is a Yang year. While Yin offers plenty of go-getter energy, Yang sets more of a dormant mood.

“Yang and Yin switch years,” explains Stellhorn. “2024 was a Yang year, and Yang is about pushing forward and taking action. In contrast, 2025 is a Yin year, a time to retreat, examine the results of our actions, discard what is not working and make new plans.”

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You can embrace adaptability

One of Snake’s greatest strengths is their flexibility, a trait we’d all do well to embrace more this year. “When the world is going through so many changes, such as climate change, war and political upheaval, as well as changes in jobs due to technology, we are reminded to be adaptable,” says Stellhorn. “The snake urges us not to be rigid, but to look for alternatives.”

She recommends meditating on what might change in your life, and if those changes were to happen, what possible paths might you take? “The world is changing, but change is constant,” Stellhorn points out. “People have adapted to change in the past, and they can adapt to change this year as well.”

Snake energy also encourages us to adopt an optimistic perspective and be tenacious and resourceful. “The snake has some serious disadvantages without limbs, and yet it is still able to move, live and thrive,” explains Stellhorn. “When people look at their lives, they may only see shortcomings, but the Serpent reminds us not to focus on our shortcomings. Instead, people should look for creative ways to achieve goals.”

You can soak up knowledge and pursue personal growth

Your appetite for getting out of your comfort zone and gaining wisdom may also increase during this particular Year of the Snake, thanks to the fact that the year’s element is wood. “Tree years are about growth, learning and gathering information,” says Stellhorn. You may want to consume more content and media than ever before, or to enroll in classes, download courses, and find new ways to hone different skill sets, she explains.

Chinese zodiac signs that will be most affected

Of course, not all 12 Chinese zodiac signs will respond to the tone set by the Year of the Snake in the same way. In fact, the slow, self-reflective energy of the year will be particularly aggravating for three signs in particular: Rat, Tiger and Horse. These are the signs that tend to want to move forward no matter what, Stellhorn says, and they may become frustrated once they realize they can’t move at the same pace as they did in 2024 during the Year of the Dragon.

On the other hand, Ox, Rooster and Monkey will have a more harmonious year ahead as their personalities tend to flow more easily with Snake energy. “They can quickly pick up opportunities and form new, valuable connections,” notes Stellhorn.

As a result of making significant changes over the past few years, Dragon and Dog is also set to take it easy this year and reap the rewards of recent shifts, explains Stellhorn. And the Rabbit and Goat, both considered intuitive like the Snake, could enjoy success if they take steps toward achieving their aspirations, she adds.

The sign that can handle the biggest challenges during the year is the Pig (or Boar), because it is the sign opposite the Snake. Because there’s the potential for pigs to feel ignored, they’d be wise to make an extra effort to speak up and express their needs, Stellhorn notes. And luckily, there is also reason for the pig to celebrate, as this is the first of three years of harvest time, she points out, adding: “This means there is ample economic opportunity for them if they are willing to do the work. “