Violation of greater threat to local snowmobile clubs than weather

‘We are really looking at the PPP and to the public for really

The Snowmobile industry has its challenges annually due to Mother Nature.

However, Shawn Flindall, director of Marketing and Public Relations for North Bay Snowmobile Club, believes there is a greater concern except for climate change that could affect the snowmobile industry in Ontario.

Flindall says it’s a violation.

“Every year, local clubs are forced to redirect paths or close paths and nine times out of 10, because there has been a breach of a piece of property and the property owner has revoked permission,” Flindall said.

“So when sleders see these changes, I sometimes know that it is disturbing, but the reason these changes happen on the paths are due to violation so we all have to do our part to tell these offenders to stop doing it. ”

Flindall believes that young male sleders are those who are mainly responsible for the problem.

“Typically, the young men, not older guys and not women do,” he said very mute. “It’s typically younger men and they know they do. They know they are violating, they know they shouldn’t do it, but they don’t care.

“At some point it will cause the end of organized snowmobile in Ontario. If it fails, that will be the reason for it.”

OPP is trying to keep an eye on the problem even though paths are still closed in the area.

“We are concerned about violation when trails are closed, it is considered a violation to be on the trails and OPP will be out of enforcing it on a daily basis,” Flindall said.

He feels it is a sign of respect for landowners.

“We have hundreds of generous landowners across our area donating their land for the purpose of the path, and we really do not want to jeopardize these conditions and violation of organized snowmobile in ontario to the point we lose paths every single year And mark my words if organized snowmobiling fails in Ontario, it will be because of violation, ”he said.

“It is really frustrating from the perspective of organized snowmobile that this violation continues and we really look at PPP and to the public for real paths suffer when they draw their grants to use their property.”