Defense Secretary Recipes Security Details and Approval for Trump Criticist Mark Milley, order Investigation


Defense Secretary Pete Hegeth on Tuesday revoked security details and security preparation for General Mark Miley, according to Pentagonian John Ullyot, an unprecedented step towards the former top US general who became a frequent target for President Donald Trump.

Hegeth, on only his second full day on the job, also ordered the department’s Inspector General to start an examination of Milee’s “behavior” to determine if a review of his rank is needed. The declaration does not specify what behavior Hegeth believes would justify a review of Milay’s rank.

The Defense Ministry’s Chief of Staff, Joe Kasper, said, “The undermining of the command chain is corrosive to our national security, and the restoration of accountability is a priority to the Ministry of Defense under President Trump’s leadership.”

CNN has reached Milley for comment.

Fox News Reported first that Milee’s detail had been drawn.

This is an evolving story and will be updated.