‘Punisher’ Sam Abdulrahim frightened by ‘Monster’ in prison

Only one day after Abdulrahim was closed down in a Preston parking ground, Melbourne’s underworld does not expect an explosion of revenge attacks for this death.

In fact, Abdulrahim had been put under such tireless pressure of his enemies that he eventually had no allies left in that world, desolate and was postponed after months of fire bombing and shootings aimed at someone he could have leaned on.

“There’s not a sad face around,” said an underworld source.

After Abdulrahim’s murder, four police and underworld sources spoke with Age On condition of anonymity to speak freely about the 32-year-old past and position in the crime world at the time of his execution.

It had been more than eight months before Abdulrahim had been able to beat back in any meaningful way, with his last real gasp launching a series of retaliatory bombings after masked gunmen had fired 17 bullets against him outside his home in May.

This attack had incensited Abdulrahim because it had involved his family. “He went Berserk about it,” said a source.

In the early hours of May 24, three cars outside his parents’ Brunswick -Home had been released in gasoline and lit.

You expect him to hurry to his parents’ help, two shooters were waiting outside Abdulrahim’s Gated Thomastown home – but they missed.


Abdulrahim, who had recently formed an alliance with the Sydney-based Gang Brothers 4 Life (B4L), organized the fire bombing of several companies that he thought were linked to his Tormentor, Exiled Gangland Boss Kazem “Kaz” Hamad.

But Fires were hardly out when Abdulrahim realized that he could no longer stay in Melbourne and expect to live.

The B4L connection is dissolved in the light of the great weight of enemies that Abdulrahim faces, and the fact that he did not bring much to the relationship except problems.

Abdulrahim soon abandoned Australia for Asia and moved from country to land quickly on the heels of any warning signs that Hamad’s “boys” were closing.

His only revenge was to form a new alliance with a self-formed underworld-social media influencer back in Australia and feed him information used in ugly personal attacks on Hamad and his crew, as well as a number of other underworld players Abdulrahim swept with or simply did not like .

But the information was often wrong or misleading, and his online compatriot would eventually be targeted – like so many of Abdulrahim’s few remaining friends – in return.


In October, influencer drove almost right into a bak team created outside his home. The masked attacks aborted only their mission after being seen by a passerby who called Triple Zero.

In fact, with Abdulrahim in hiding, they felt he left behind, the full brown of Hamad’s enmity in a series of fire bombings, shootings and a kidnapping.

After an associate handed over $ 150,000 to secure the release of a relative who had been given, Abdulrahim exploded against those with accusations that the money would be used by his enemies to pay for the murder contract on him.

At the time when Abdulrahim was closed down in Preston on Tuesday morning, his family and small ring of associated companies were hunting down and able to do a little more than trying to stay out of injury.

In the immediate demand for the shooting, Abdulrahim’s confused sister was quick to point her finger and name who she suspected was behind the attack in a social media post.

“Whoever shot my brother to death, I’m after you,” she wrote. “I know it’s u though.

“Never end up here.”

Despite the initial explosive reaction, underworld sources say there has been little talk about revenge for what has happened, but rather hopes that the bloody, nerve strip reign can finally end.

It is a mood that is repeated by veteran organized crime detectives that consider retaliation as unlikely that Abdulrahim and his inner circle could not protect themselves – so as not to settle back – in the months leading up to his assault.

Wednesday lined the cars street outside Abdulrahim’s parent’s home in Brunswick when family and friends were gathered to mourn.

In accordance with Islamic tradition, the days following Abdulrahim’s funeral will be marked by a three-day grief period known as “Azza” where people offer their condolance to the family.

Visitors typically bring staples pantry -objects such as dates, sugar, coffee and flour as a gesture of support.

Currently, those who knew Abdulrahim await the moment to pray over his body before he is put to rest.