Michigan’s Woodchuck proves punxsutawney phil a vertical false prophet

Howell, MI – every February 2nd we leave our hope for warmer weather – or more winter – in the paws of a modest rodent. But which groundhog do you trust?

The most famous name in the Groundhog climate is Punxsutawney Phil, who declares its forecast year after year with a questionable 30% accuracy in the last 10 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The over-the-top performance takes place for smiles and tradition brought to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania through its German roots.

But there is a more accurate alternative. Woody The Woodchuck gets his forecast correct 65% of the time since 1999.

In an educational environment, the Howell Nature Center staff captures an audience of mostly families with 30 seconds of silence, while Woody strikes out of his “home.” In the end, the animal really decides whether she stays out or hiding back in her hole.

Disclaimer: Groundhogs cannot predict the weather, nor phil whispers in the ear of the president of Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. This is all a fun party in a time of brutal cold halfway between winter solar and spring Equinox.

There is something to say about supporting your local Woodchuck. With Howell Nature Center’s more underrated approach to tradition, it celebrates a crazy superstition to enrichment and brings attention to a mammal that is seen as a pest most of the year.

Punxsutawney Phil is the most iconic “weather that predicts extraordinary” and has brought joy to anyone who gathers around the Gobbler’s button.

If you want accuracy, you can find a local groundhog or woodchuck to make your prediction.