Snow to create slurky roads Friday night, windskes fall 40 degrees with dawn Saturday!

Get ready for a big change in what it looks like and feels across our whole area between what we all saw and felt during the day Friday versus what we want to see and feel for Friday night through Saturday!

Rain turns to snow all over the area from north to south early Friday night. Snow collections are likely to vary depending on which surface you measure it.

Expect the highest amount of snow and the first snow to accumulate on lawns, trees, existing snow banks and vehicles with lower quantities and last to gather on roads.

Either way, if you are going to travel Friday night, be aware of changing driving conditions that will change from wet to slushy or snow cover.

This can cause ways to become problematic if they are not treated!

This will be the case in particular for untreated and less treated roads. With that in mind, here is how much snow will occur.

Snow forecast for the immediate CNY area for Saturday morning:

Snow Prognosis Too Much of Upstate NEW area for Saturday Morning:

This snow and cold is part of our next weather producers below

We should start to feel a little better temperature especially to start the work week. However, there is a roller coaster with temperatures up and down for heights and lows for next week.

For more details of what I can expect, see my video uprobe below: