Cast responds to the series final

WARNING: This article contains spoilers from 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5, Section 12.

On the way into Monday’s 9-1-1: Lone Star Serial final, Star Rob Lowe told Entertainment weekly The whole role crew was “on the table” as to who might not reach the end of the last episode.

And there were plenty of ways to go: the asteroid hit Austin and possible nuclear meltdown, of course, but on top of this Tommy (Gina Torres) is still facing the terminal cancer forecast.

While they were at different times through the episode, it seemed like any combination of Tommy, Mateo (Julian Works), Paul (Brian Michael Smith), Marjan (Natacha Karam), TK (Ronen Rubinstein), Nancy (Brianna Baker) and/or /or Judd (Jim Parrack) could meet their end while working to stop the nuclear meltdown, it is ultimately Owen (Lowe) who seems to die with a glance of peace in the face after stopping the meltdown On the literal last second.

But just fun! No one dies! After a conversation between TK and Carlos (Rafael Silva), who continues the assumption Owen is gone, the show ends with the reveal that the fire captain and the devoted father are alive and well, live back in New York City and serve as a fire manager.

“My ultimate feeling was, ‘It’s hard enough that the show ends too soon,'” Co-ShowRunner Rashad Raisani Ew tells of not killing any series-fast. “That for me was the real loss. So why not let these people show up and give the audience a message of hope at the end of it? To let them see these characters gone through hell, but they came out of the other side.

Here Lowe, Torres and Raisani break down, where all the 126 first responders end their Lone Star Stories.

Owen (Rob Lowe) on 9-1-1-1: Lone Star ‘Series’ finale.

Kevin Estrada/Fox

Owen moves to New York City becomes a fire captain

“We all felt that having a more character -driven culmination as opposed to an event -driven culmination actually did more of a favor of his character and to the audience’s embrace of this character,” Lowe says of Owen’s end. “I think you’re wrapping things up based on the story of a character and what they represent. So for Tony Soprano, I think he went out in the right way. And I think Owen beach, based on who he was, went out in the right way ”

“He’s really ready to go in full circle,” adds Raisani Owen’s decision to move back to New York. “Firehouse is, until the asteroid, thrives. It’s alive again and TK is alive again. His purpose here is kind of ended. And then it was like ‘where does he go?’ And I think he’s going back to where it all started.

Tommy (Gina Torres) in the last season of ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’.


Tommy beats his cancer

After being told her tumors grew instead of shrinking, which gave her just days to live, Tommy all her energy to help the 126 after the asteroid strike-i last collapsed after performing an essential (and illegal) medical procedure. But in the flash forward at the end of the final, the EMT captain gets a pure health bill.

“When I talked to Gina about doing this bow, I said, ‘We’ll never kill Tommy.’ I gave her my word about it, “says Raisani. I would play that level of efforts and that feeling. But at the end of the day, I just wouldn’t leave the audience with a blow in the stomach. ”

“She’s such a fighter,” Torres adds of her character. “She never gives up in herself or what she believes in.”

Marjan (Natacha Karam) in the last season of ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’.


Marjan is (very) pregnant

“They didn’t waste any time-a wedding night, I think,” Raisani says with a laugh about how pregnant Marjan is in Blitz Forward, just months after her wedding to Joe (Karam’s real girlfriend, John Clarence Stewart). “We have often played Marjan’s adrenaline and her action and her feistiness, but Natacha and Marjan both have this softer, loving, beautiful side that is no less strong – just another type of strength. And because she was single and a rather protected character In most of this show, we thought, ‘What is the most outgoing sign of growth and maturity of her character that we could have?’ And I think her pregnancy was the way to see that she will also be this amazing mother and that she can be able to such love, but also such courage and strength.

Mateo (Julian Works) and Nancy (Brianna Baker) in the last season of ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’.

Kevin Estrada/Fox

Mateo gets his citizenship and doesn’t marry Nancy

After beating the off-duty officer in section 11, Mateo faced deportation because of his Dreamer status. But even though a Quickie “Sham” wedding may have held him in Austin, he would respect girlfriend Nancy’s decision to never marry. In Flash Forward we find that their relationship is still going strong – without wedding bells in their future.

“I don’t think they’re marrying to be honest,” says Raisani when asked if he’s taking the couple ever going down the hallway, “because it was Nancy’s conviction, and part of Mateo’s growth was Ready ‘I have to decide if I want the institution or person. something but i don’t think he would ever try to force her into a wedding.

TK (Ronen Rubinstein) and Carlos (Rafael Silva) with Jonah on the last season of ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’.

Kevin Estrada/Fox

TK ends his job, Jonah adopts with Carlos

Prior to the Asteroid influence, TK Carlos told him he had a solution to the social worker’s concern about placing Jonah in a home where both parents had such a dangerous job. In the last moments of the final, it has revealed that TK has completed his job as an EMT to care for full time for his half -brother.

“I just wanted the last scene with them to be a celebration of where they are like a couple,” says Raisani. “They’ve come so far together and they’ve really earned their joy through suffering and sacrifice. I just wanted them to have a really happy ending. And I think you see both guys look like they have the world Weight turned off their shoulders that they have carried around in many of the last two years.

Judd (Jim Parrack) in the last season of ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’.

Kevin Estrada/Fox

Judd becomes 126 Captain

Judd can end 9-1-1: Lone Star Without Grace (Sierra McClain, who left the series in front of this fifth and last season), but he is sober, with his daughter and son, and newly appointed captain of 126.

“As we approached the end, I went back to the beginning. I just started looking at the show to see ‘Where do we start and how can we end it?’ And the three people who immediately came to mind when I did were Judd, TK and Owen.

“Judd is a defective man,” Raisani continues, referring to the character’s rage and the recent struggle with alcoholism. “But you can see when he and TK both talk about their common addiction in section 11, he has become a more human, a more compassionate, a more humble leader. His fight actually prepared him to take the mantle. Owen says to Judd And episode 9, ‘It’s always been yours.

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