Today’s New Wordle suggests, Answer and Help for February 6, #1328- Cnet

Looking for Latest Wordle Answers? Click here for today’s Wordle hints as well as our daily answers and tips to the New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections, Connections: Sports Edition and Strands Puzzles.

Today’s Wordle answer is a bit of fun, but it can be hard. The letters are not super common. (Check our ranked list of all letters in the alphabet – it can help you choose your guesses.) If you need tips and answer to the day’s Wordle -puzzleRead on.

Today’s Wordle suggests

Before we show you today’s Wordle response, we’ll give you some tips. If you don’t want a spoiler, look away now.

Wordle Tip # 1: Repeats

Today’s Wordle response has a repeated letter.

Wordle Tip No. 2: Vocals

There are two vocals in today’s Wordle response.

Wordle Tip No. 3: Starting Letter

Today’s Wordle response begins with the letter P.

Wordle Tip No. 4: Eye See you

Today’s Wordle response can refer to part of the eye.

Wordle Tip No. 5: School Days

Today’s Wordle response can also refer to a student.

Today’s Wordle response

Today’s Wordle response is a student.

Yesterday’s Wordle response

Yesterday’s Wordle -Svar, 5th February, No. 1327, was pedal

Latest Wordle response

1. February, No. 1323: Rivet

February 2, No. 1324: Kore

3rd February, No. 1325: Revue

4th February, No. 1326: tooth

Quick tip to Wordle

#1: Check our list ranking the popularity of all letters of the alphabet and select your start words accordingly. (Train, hedge and sound are good.)

#2: Don’t forget that letters can be used more than once.

#3: Many words are alike. You do not want to use more guesses that do not promote your case. So if the puzzle is sta_e, don’t guess stare, state and out of date. Guess something that uses the r, t and l, like twirl.