PSN is down as the PS5 service is suffering from larger interruptions

A PS portal is trying to connect to PSN.

Picture: Sony

The PlayStation network suffers from what seems to be a massive interruption on the way into the weekend. PlayStation 5 and PS4 players across social media, including X and Reddit, report being unable to connect to Sony’s online services, including multiplayer matches and PlayStation Store.

“At this point, PlayStation Network (including PlayStation Store) may not be available,” says a message from the ASK PlayStation Japan account at x at. 19:12 one on February 7th. “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, our customers. We are currently investigating the problem and working to restore service, so be patient. “It is a particularly unfortunate time for the network to go down with Last free Monster Hunter Wilds Betate test weekend Currently in progress.

There is no information yet on what the cause of the power break is, how many people are affected or when the service may come back online. While some service disorders can last for just a few hours, others could continue much longer, with spotted connection quality, even when the network comes back online. Since PlayStation Status Lists at the moment All online services are down.

And so far, this certainly seems to be one of the major power cuts that PSN has suffered too late. The players started reporting to be disconnected shortly after 18:00, and so far there is no evidence that anyone is able to get back on. The stop also seems to be all over the world instead of being isolated to certain countries or continents.

The Nightmare scenario for Sony would be a malicious hack or a deeper problem that causes the power break to continue for days or even weeks. It has been unheard of in modern times, but that’s what happened back in the notorious 2011 PlayStation Network power outage. So far, there is no sign that something is happening on this scale again. Hopefully the system will come back online soon. First, I had to spend tonight with my buds in Rocket League.
