Farmer’s Almanac 2025 Spring Weather Forecast for Georgia


Groundhog -Day resulted in forecasting for six weeks more winter weather to Georgia and the rest of the nation. But when spring comes, what will it look like?

The Farmers’ Almanac and Old Farmer’s Almanac Have long been tools to get long -term forecasts. So what do they say in the spring and how do they compare to the forecasts of the National Weather Service? Here’s what we know:

What predicts the Farmers Almanac for spring in Georgia?

Farmers’ Almanac describes in the spring as “warm, wet and thunder” for the southeast. Showers were a main theme, including for a large Georgia event.

“The opening rounds of Masters Golf Tournament In Augusta, Georgia was to see showers, though we hope to clear to arrive on time for the final round of April 13, “Almanac wrote.

How will Easter be? The forecast says it will be “comfortable” in the southeast, although it does not give a more accurate definition of what it will look like.

Unfortunately, Memorial Day is not expected as comfortable as heavy rain is expected for the holiday saint.

What predicts the old farmer’s almanac for spring in Georgia?

The spring outlook predicts warmer than normal temperatures for most of the United States as such, most of Georgia will be heat with a normal amount of rainfall. April and May will be warmer than usual. Small areas in northwestern Georgia can see more rain.

How accurate are the farmer’s almanacs?

Whatever Almanac you use, they use “secret” formulas that are not the most accurate. Reports about their chances vary, but it is essentially a coin flip. Many experts say that forecasts tend to be less accurate if they are 10 days or further out.

What predicts the National Weather Service for spring in Georgia?

Although it is better to look at the National Weather Service’s weekly forecast, they also provide some long -range forecasts. Their to February, March and April predicts a 40-50% chance of over-normal temperatures and a standard amount of rain.

Why will it be warmer than usual in the spring?

The warmer spring is at least partly a result of the current sun cycle approaching its maximum later in the year, the farmer’s Almanac said.

The sun cycle is an 11-year-old process in which the sun’s magnetic field turns, which often causes activity to flare up on the sun’s surface, According to NASA. This high solar activity has been linked to warmer temperatures across Earth – although the farmer’s almanac notes that this link has become weaker in recent decades.

The sun is currently in the sun cycle 25, which is expected to reach its maximum around July 2025 with a top of 115 Solflekker, As per National Weather Service.

When does spring start?

The first day of spring is characterized by spring Equinox, also known as Vernal Equinox. It will take place on March 20th.

Miguel Legoas is a Deep South Connect Team Reporter for Gannett/USA Today. Find him on X and Instagram @MigueGoas and E -Mail on [email protected].