Randy Moss returns to ESPN Sunday

In November, the Hall of Fame recipient Randy Moss began a leave from his ESPN assignments after he was diagnosed with bile duct cancer. For the network’s Super Bowl -Pregame show, Moss will be back.

Via Adam Schafter from ESPN.com, Moss returns Sunday morning from New Orleans to the show, which begins at 1 p.m. 10:00 ET.

It is good news for Moss, for his fans and for anyone who has been touched directly or indirectly by the insidious illness. In December, Moss explained that he had one Six hours of “whipple” procedureto be followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

Moss promised to return. And for the last pregame show of the season of the biggest day of the year, Moss is back.

No matter who wins or loses the game, it’s a massive victory.