Scientific tools enhance disaster resistance and emergency preparedness in Honduras

“Through this collaboration, our Copeco partners will be authorized to independently utilize the best scientific tools and data to monitor and warn about dangers as well as use PDC’s globally recognized scientific tools to apply to their own risk analyzes. By increasing the national capacity to anticipate potential disasters and quickly mobilize resources and promote risk -informed decision -making that improves future emergency preparedness, resilience and emergency preparedness, we together create a safer and more elastic Honduras, ”Kuykendall said.

Seeking new and innovative ways of utilizing technology to better predict and deal with extreme hazard conditions and their impact on displacement, suffering and countless other threats, the government of Honduras and PDC has restored to measure successes, calibrate existing approaches and voice the nation with the scientific and Technical tools needed to create continuous improvements.

“We have the honor of collaborating with the Pacific Disaster Center, which trained in the use of its Disasteraware platform. This platform has a very important extent for the Secretariat of Copeco and gives us a tool where we can see statistical data received by each of the regional offices at national level. It also makes it easier for us to see danger information in moments before, during and after an emergency.

These data complement each other and are shared with the members of Sinager, the national risk management system, which administers all stages of disaster management in the country, creating the same operational information channel at national level. We are grateful for the opportunity to exploit these tools that PDC has shared with us, and we are eager to share and exchange information that will help build safer communities across Honduras, ”said Copeco Director of Operations Luis Salinas.

The new Partnership Project between PDC and Copeco will review the results of the first national disaster preparedness base assessment, verify and update critical data for decision-making and integrate them within PDC’s Disasteraware system, and perform disaster training, a train-trainer program and eventually a comprehensive immersion of how You perform risk and vulnerability analyzes that use PDC’s method. Additional opportunities for collaboration were also identified, including the possibility of conducting a future emergency exercise with Copeco in connection with the US Southcom’s joint task force Bravo.