Lexington police respond to 40+ weather-related calls Tuesday

Lexington, Ky. (Lex 18) – Lexington police were busy on Tuesday. Between 7 p.m. At 08.00 and 16.00, the Lexington police responded to 28 collisions with non-tax wounds, four injury collisions, nine motorist assists and three traffic hazards.

Lt. Jeremiah Davis said the adjusted staff for the next 24 hours.

“We had people who were dedicated to motor assistant help that typically do other things that we did not take any staff away from responding to calls to people who were in need or in need,” Davis said.

Davis said to the driver’s safety, slowly, allow plenty of distance between vehicles in the event of a sudden stop and be polite to other people on the road. “We’re just trying to get from point A to point B,” Davis said.