Meteorologist Wren Clair is out on KSTP-TV-twin cities

To place an obituary, include the information from the obituary list below in an e -mail to [email protected]. There is no way to place them through our website. You are welcome to contact our NEKROLOGSTESK on 651-228-5263 with questions.

General Information:



Confirmation of Death:

To publish obituaries, a name and telephone number of burial court/cremation society is required. We must contact the burial court/cremation community that handles the events during their opening hours to verify the death. If the deceased’s body has been donated to the University of Minnesota Anatomy Bequest program or a similar program, their phone number is required for verification.

Please allow enough time to contact them, especially in their limited weekend lessons.

A death certificate is also acceptable for this purpose, but only one of these two options is needed.

Guestbook and External Sites:

We are not allowed to refer to other media sources with a guestbook or obituary located elsewhere when we place an obituary in print and online. We can place a site for a burial court or a family -e email to contact instead; Contact us with questions about this case.


Once your submission is completed, we will Faxe or E -Maile a proof of review before the publication in the newspaper. This proof includes price and days the message is scheduled to appear.

After publication, we are not responsible for errors that may occur after final proofreading.


Changes to an online obituary can be handled through the obituary desktop. Call us with further questions.

Payment Procedure:

Prepayment is required for all notifications of obituaries before publication before the deadline specified below in our time limit plan. Please call 651-228-5263 With your payment information after you have received the proof and approved its content.



Follow Deadline times to make sure your obituary is published on the requested day.

Memoriam (Non-Obituary) Request

Unlike an obituary, Memoriam submissions are memories of a loved one that has passed. The rates of a memoriam differ from obituaries.

Call or E -Mail OS for More Memoriam -Information

Please call 651-228-5280 for more information.

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5pm (closed weekends and holidays)

Please submit your Memoriam -Nonce to [email protected] or call 651-228-5280.