Denunciation of the detention of María Corina Machado in Venezuela after reappearing in opposition protests against Maduro’s takeover

María Corina Machado a protest

Source of the image, Getty Images

Pie de photo, María Corina Machado apareció en las manifestaciones, tras mantenerse en la clandestinedad desde finales de agosto pasado.

  • author, Editing
  • author title, BBC News World

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition María Corina Machado was “violently inteceptada” este jueves, denunció su partido.

Machado appeared in the protest marches against the takeover of Nicolás Maduro, scheduled for this Friday, which marked his return to the streets after remaining in secrecy since the end of August, amid the wave of detentions of opposition leaders .

“Lo que hagan mañana sentencia el final del régimen”, has Bía dicho Machado frente a una multitud de miles de simpatizantes opositores congregados en Caracas. “Estamos a partir de hoy en una nueva fase”.

Minutes after finishing his discourse, his party, Vente Venezuela, informed the social network X that the leaders were “violently intercepted” by security forces of the State.